Auto Accident Law 101

Auto Accident Law 101

Alimony Three Ways

Everett Cook

Many people just assume that alimony (or spousal support) is a deal issue. It's easy to understand this assumption, since it has traditionally been the female who is awarded alimony and many more women work and earn their own money now. Alimony still exists, and it is still an important form of financial support for those who need it. Read on to learn more about how alimony is awarded and the three types commonly used.

Why is alimony still needed?

In times past, a divorce could cause the wife to undergo a drastic financial impact, if not for this form of support. Women traditionally stayed home and cared for the children of the marriage, and this meant an inequity for them in salaries and educational levels. Alimony is still offered for that same reason, because many spouses, both male and female, still decide to stay home and care for children.

How is the need for alimony evaluated?

There are several factors that go into the determination of both the need for this form of support and the amount awarded, such as:

  • The spouse's age

  • The spouse's level of education or job training

  • The spouse's health

  • The spouse's work history

  • The length of the couple's marriage

  • The income of the paying spouse

  • The couple's standard of living prior to divorce

  • The couple's assets

Three Main Alimony Types

1. Temporary: A lot of people mistakenly believe that temporary alimony and rehabilitative alimony are the same thing, but they are actually not. Temporary alimony can be ordered at any time from the separation and on, and it always has a finite ending date. Divorces, particularly complicated or contentious divorces, can go on for months or even years, so temporary alimony allows the needing spouse to have some support during the divorce process. In some cases, the temporary alimony is converted to another form with the final decree.

2. Rehabilitative: This type is alimony is very common, and its name is somewhat self-explanatory. In some circumstances, the spouse needs financial support for a given period of time to achieve a very specific goal. That goal might be job training or finishing up a degree. The goal of rehabilitative alimony is to provide the spouse an opportunity to improve their financial situation.

3. Permanent: Not often used these days, this form of alimony is usually reserved for cases where the spouse is older, not in good health or has no opportunities for improving their financial situation. The alimony will often end with the marriage of the receiving spouse, however.

Speak to your divorce attorney for more information about alimony.


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Auto Accident Law 101

After being involved in a serious auto accident with a drunk driver, I struggled heavily with getting the driver's insurance company to open a claim. When the insurance company started pushing back, I knew I needed to do something. I spent a lot of time digging through the laws surrounding auto accident claims so that I knew what my legal rights were. I even talked with an auto accident attorney. I created this site to teach others about what I learned, including my court experience. I hope it helps you to determine how you should proceed with your auto accident case.
