Auto Accident Law 101

Auto Accident Law 101

Taking, Choosing, And Negotiating Your Child Support Or Custody Case

Everett Cook

No child support or custody case is simple. If you're struggling with the emotional and financial stress of a child support or custody dispute, it's important to remember that you have rights.

Here are some legal maneuvers you can use to help fight your child custody or support case:

Keep Your Emotions in Check

Your emotions are likely to be piqued during a child support or custody case. Arguing over the relative responsibilities, access, and care of a child or children will be emotionally fraught. If you have an emotional outburst, your partner can use the incident in court.

You can keep your emotions in check by following some simple steps:

  1. Take three deep breaths when you sense that your emotions are getting the best of you, and extricate yourself from the conversation.
  2. Take precautions; do not discuss your case with your partner or ex-partner without your legal counsel present.
  3. Take the high road; avoid responding to potentially emotional subjects via text message, social media messaging, or email. These records are admissible in court and often are presented out of context.

Some of these steps might seem basic, but it's tough to remember to keep things in check when your emotions are so raw and exposed.

Choose Your Lawyer Wisely

Child custody and support cases are nuanced and complex. The laws also vary significantly depending on the state where you live or where your child resides.

  1. Choose an experienced family practice lawyer. Some family practice lawyers specialize in representing one particular gender. Before signing on to work with a lawyer, ask them for references. If you notice that the lawyer's references include examples of clients that are one gender, you should take note of that fact.
  2. Choose a family lawyer in the state where the child custody or support case will be adjudicated (normally where the child currently lives).
  3. Choose a lawyer that's willing to give you face time. Many big practice firms have their clients work with paralegals, which can create potential delays and communication issues. Most family practice firms are smaller and work more intimately with their clients.

Choosing your lawyer can be the most important decision you make during the child support or custody process. Once you have retained a lawyer, you can take a big breath of relief because you will know that you'll have the right person fighting on your side.

Well-Being Before Revenge

One of the biggest mistakes you can make during a child custody or support case is losing sight of the ultimate goal: the well-being of your child or children. This may see obvious, but you're very likely to feel the urge to exact revenge on your former partner, which can make you lose sight of what should always be your primary goal.

  1. Negotiate a timeline to adulthood. Consider all of the decisions that must be made to help your child or children grow and thrive before their eighteenth birthday. Create a timeline is tangible and visual and that can help all parties involved plan for the best future for your child or children
  2. Negotiate for flexibility. As your child or children grow, their needs will change. All parties involved should create flexibility in the agreement. These considerations include: where they might attend school (particularly middle and high school) and their weekly schedule (as they grow, so will their schedules).
  3. Negotiate for their health care needs. Covering the cost of health care isn't as important as access to appropriate health care. Consider how all parities involved can give your child or children access to the highest-quality health care services.

Putting your child or children's well-being first can drastically change the nature and tone of your legal dispute.

For additional advice, contact a law firm like Kelm & Reuter, P.A.


2024© Auto Accident Law 101
About Me
Auto Accident Law 101

After being involved in a serious auto accident with a drunk driver, I struggled heavily with getting the driver's insurance company to open a claim. When the insurance company started pushing back, I knew I needed to do something. I spent a lot of time digging through the laws surrounding auto accident claims so that I knew what my legal rights were. I even talked with an auto accident attorney. I created this site to teach others about what I learned, including my court experience. I hope it helps you to determine how you should proceed with your auto accident case.
