If bankruptcy is something you are seriously considering, it is a good idea to find out the timeline for it before you file. By understanding the timeline, you will have a better idea as to what to expect during your case, and you might even be able to find ways to speed it up. Here are the basic steps in the timeline for filing Chapter 7. Meet with a lawyer
If you have been in an automobile accident and the other driver didn't have insurance, you may need to have an attorney to help you get what you are entitled to. That's because an uninsured driver doesn't have the insurance company behind them to make sure that you are getting recompensed. If you have to go to an attorney to help you get your money, there are some things that you may want to do in order to make sure that you have the best chance possible.
Minors often have summer or part-time jobs, but what happens if they're injured while they're at work? Minors have unique provisions under workers' compensation, but they aren't always aware of their rights. Even Minors Must Be Covered By Workers' Compensation In fact, it would be more accurate to say that minors especially must be covered, as they have additional benefits. Unfortunately, employers who frequently employ minors may not be aware of this, or they may forego workers' compensation.
As you start getting older, it becomes more important to think about life after you're gone for your family. This is particularly true if someone has a disability. That's where the creation of a special needs trust comes in handy. It won't be difficult to put together if you get assistance from an attorney. Help with the Extensive Paperwork A lot of paperwork is involved when creating a trust fund for someone in your family with special needs.
Auto accidents aren't something anyone wants to be involved in, but they can happen. If you've been involved in an auto accident and are dealing with serious car damage, medical care needs, and time off of work for medical treatment and recovery, it's a good idea to get an auto accident attorney involved. They will advocate for you and get the best possible outcome so that you can continue on with your life.
After being involved in a serious auto accident with a drunk driver, I struggled heavily with getting the driver's insurance company to open a claim. When the insurance company started pushing back, I knew I needed to do something. I spent a lot of time digging through the laws surrounding auto accident claims so that I knew what my legal rights were. I even talked with an auto accident attorney. I created this site to teach others about what I learned, including my court experience. I hope it helps you to determine how you should proceed with your auto accident case.