Auto Accident Law 101

Auto Accident Law 101

  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, A Common Work-Related Shoulder Injury

    Many people have problems with their shoulder joints. However, many people who have shoulder joint dysfunction may not recognize the problem being related to their shoulder. One condition in particular, called thoracic outlet syndrome, is a dysfunction around the shoulder that can lead to issues in the hand. Many patients who have this condition may believe that the issue is in their hand, and treat it as such. However, recognizing signs and symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome can help patients seek the appropriate treatment.

  • Drug Charges? You Are Only "Busted" If You Give Up Your Rights

    If you are about to be charged with a criminal drug felony, it is vital that you understand your rights and what is involved. It is a wise course to gain some insight into legal process and to avoid making mistakes that make it harder for your lawyer to defend you. Your First Contact with the Police When you come in contact with the police, you should be respectful but wary of incriminating yourself.

  • Professional Legal Assistance Following A Drug Posession Arrest

    If you have been arrested for drug possession, it is in your best interest to contact a criminal defense attorney immediately. Depending on the extent of your charges and specific state laws, you may be facing jail or prison time, and having an experienced attorney by your side is of the utmost importance. A professional criminal defense attorney may be able to request a lighter punishment such as alternative drug treatment or probation, but it is imperative that you act quickly in order for your attorney to prepare a proper defense on your behalf.

  • Bankruptcy By The Numbers: Understanding The Differences Between The Types Of Bankruptcy Filings

    If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, you may have wondered the differences between the bankruptcy filing types: chapter 7, chapter 13, chapter 11, and chapter 7. In addition to these two, there are also other types of bankruptcy, which you may have heard about on the news. Here is a breakdown on the various types of bankruptcy. Chapter 7 This is a called a liquidation or straight bankruptcy. Nevertheless, bankruptcy will not wipe out most liens or mortgages.

  • Drug Sniffing Dogs At Routine Traffic Stops And The Fourth Amendment

    The fourth amendment clearly spells out the rights of individuals involved in suspected criminal activity: no police officer or government official is allowed to engage in "unreasonable search and seizure." In other words, if the police don't have a warrant or probable cause to search you or your property, they can't. The fourth amendment to the Constitution can cause some confusion among individuals who have been detained at a routine traffic stop and had drug sniffing dogs inspect their car.

2024© Auto Accident Law 101
About Me
Auto Accident Law 101

After being involved in a serious auto accident with a drunk driver, I struggled heavily with getting the driver's insurance company to open a claim. When the insurance company started pushing back, I knew I needed to do something. I spent a lot of time digging through the laws surrounding auto accident claims so that I knew what my legal rights were. I even talked with an auto accident attorney. I created this site to teach others about what I learned, including my court experience. I hope it helps you to determine how you should proceed with your auto accident case.
