Auto Accident Law 101

Auto Accident Law 101

  • Present At Your SSDI Appeal: The Vocational Expert

    It can be extremely disappointing to receive a denial from the Social Security Administration (SSA) after months of waiting. Fortunately, the SSA provides those turned down for benefits a second chance. It's important for applicants to understand that almost all applicants get turned down when they apply but that some find success at the appeal. An important influencer is present at the appeal meeting and understanding their role might help you get your Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits.

  • Consider How A Living Trust Could Benefit You And Your Loved Ones

    Do you want to avoid probate, which could tie up your assets after your death? If you are getting up in years and have several loved ones who you would like to name as beneficiaries of your estate, creating a living trust will ensure that your finances are not withheld from your family members, due to the necessity of validating your will. What Is A Living Trust? A living trust is a legal document that will allow a third party to hold onto your funds until you have specified that they are to be passed on to the people who you have left your assets to.

  • 4 Steps For Challenging A Protective Order Against You

    When a person causes harm to another person, they have every right to have an order of protection awarded in their favor. However, there are instances when an awarded order of protection might not be warranted. In these types of incidents, the person on the receiving end of the order does have the legal right to contest it. 1. Follow the Order You must follow the order that has been put in place.

  • Is Probate Good Or Bad?

    Some people talk about probate as if it is an evil that everyone must avoid at all costs. At the same time, many lawyers extol the benefits of probate. The following is an overview of the pros and cons of probate. Why Probate Is Good Many estate planning attorneys will tell you that probate is good. Below are some of the reasons for this position. Control One of the ways of avoiding probate is to divest your assets via different programs while you are still alive.

  • Here's Why Dating During Your Divorce Is A Bad Idea

    If you've been unhappily married for a long time, you may be anxious to find someone new who will share your life with you more joyfully — but you really should wait until after your divorce is final. Otherwise, you may be opening the door to a whole host of additional problems. Here's why dating someone is a bad idea while you're going through a divorce: You Could Be Opening The Door To New Legal Troubles

  • 2024© Auto Accident Law 101
    About Me
    Auto Accident Law 101

    After being involved in a serious auto accident with a drunk driver, I struggled heavily with getting the driver's insurance company to open a claim. When the insurance company started pushing back, I knew I needed to do something. I spent a lot of time digging through the laws surrounding auto accident claims so that I knew what my legal rights were. I even talked with an auto accident attorney. I created this site to teach others about what I learned, including my court experience. I hope it helps you to determine how you should proceed with your auto accident case.
