Auto Accident Law 101

Auto Accident Law 101

  • Is A Humanitarian Visa Right For Your Relative?

    When every means of legally entering the country seem to be exhausted, there is a last-resort opportunity that might help you bring a family member into the country. A humanitarian visa is available under special circumstances and could potentially be used to buy time to explore other options. If you have a family member who has been denied a visa or green card, here is what you need to know.  

  • Forced To Quit And Being Denied Unemployment? What Are Your Options?

    If conditions at your job recently reached the untenable point, you may have chosen to save your sanity (and your health) by turning in your notice of resignation rather than waiting for matters to implode or for you to be terminated. Unfortunately, in many cases, employees who have quit instead of being fired may find themselves on the receiving end of a denial of unemployment benefits. Are you still eligible for these benefits if your unemployment is due to your unwillingness to go along with an unsafe or unethical work environment rather than being fired?

  • Handling an Estate? 2 Reasons Why You Need to Hire an Attorney

    If you've been charged with the task of handling the estate of someone you knew who passed away, you have quite a responsibility on your plate. There are a significant number of particulars to deal with and if you've never had to oversee an estate before you may not know what to do. That's where a probate attorney can come in and help you. Use this information to learn more about why an attorney is absolutely critical when you're handling an estate.

  • Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Right for You? Factors to Consider

    If you have been struggling with your finances and debt obligations in recent years, you may find yourself wondering whether the time has come to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. While you may be ready to call a bankruptcy lawyer right away to get the process started, you should consider some factors that affect the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process first so you can be sure that you are making the right decision for your circumstances.

  • What to Do If Your Neighbor Uses Your Property for Parking or Storage

    Do you have a bad neighbor that likes to park on your lawn or driveway or leaves their belongings on your side of the property line? If so, you don't just need to hope they move out soon. You're legally entitled to keep them and their belongings off of your property. However, you need to do this the right way to avoid legal problems of your own. Start with a Nice Chat

  • 2024© Auto Accident Law 101
    About Me
    Auto Accident Law 101

    After being involved in a serious auto accident with a drunk driver, I struggled heavily with getting the driver's insurance company to open a claim. When the insurance company started pushing back, I knew I needed to do something. I spent a lot of time digging through the laws surrounding auto accident claims so that I knew what my legal rights were. I even talked with an auto accident attorney. I created this site to teach others about what I learned, including my court experience. I hope it helps you to determine how you should proceed with your auto accident case.
