When Zoning Laws May Affect Your Renovations
Zoning laws refer to the restrictions and regulations each municipality places on the types of structures that can be built on their land, as well as what they can be used for. The United States has had zoning laws since 1916, when New York City passed the country's first major zoning ordinance. Ever since, zoning codes play a huge role in the development of cities. They can, however, also be a big pain for the average home or building owner hoping to make improvements.
4 Things You Should Do While Waiting For Your Criminal Trial If You Have Been Falsely Accused
When you have been falsely accused of a crime and are waiting for your criminal trial, you may feel overwhelmed. You may be spending your days being worried about what's going to happen, but if you use the tips below, you can make your case stronger so that you may be exonerated. Here are some things to do as you await your trial. Know What Your Rights Are You may think you're helping your case if the police show up at your door and you consent to let them search your home.
3 Steps To Take If You Are Attacked By Your Neighbor's Dog
Most dogs are wonderful animals, and it is not surprising that dogs are incredibly popular pets. But while many dogs are loving and friendly, dog bites and attacks are not uncommon in the United States. Depending on the breed and the severity of the attack, dog bites can create a number of medical problems, and a victim may require extensive medical and surgical treatment. If you are bitten or attacked by a dog owned by one of your neighbors, take the following steps:
Are You Facing A Wrongful Death Suit? Defense Options Available To You
If you're on the defensive side of a wrongful death lawsuit, it may be hard to see a resolution that isn't going to cost you thousands of dollars. In order for you to properly defend yourself in a case like this, you'll need to be informed and prepared. In addition to working with a wrongful death attorney, you'll also want to familiarize yourself with some of the potential defenses. Here's a look at several defense options for your case.
Auto Accident Whiplash On Company Time? Make Sure It's Not On Your Dime
If you were a victim and your neck was injured while you were driving a company vehicle and traveling for work and your company doesn't want to pay for all of your medical expenses, meet with a personal injury attorney. A severe neck injury can lead to a lifetime of disabilities and could deter your ability to work for a lifetime. Talk with a personal injury lawyer and set up an appointment, and bring the following information.